
'Let's Go, Intayon!'- a dual language picture book in English and Ilocano

Experience the wonder of everyday life through the eyes of a young Filipino boy and his mother in this charming dual-language picture book. The words and beautiful imagery transport readers straight to the heart of the Philippines - from the majestic Padsan River to the lively Aurora Park. 

The illustrated pages bring to life the scents of pandesal at the bakery, the sounds of jeepneys, and the sight of kalesas, allowing readers to touch, taste, smell, hear, and see the world in a new light.

Children of all ages will love the rhythmic text based on an original song*, making for a delightful read-aloud experience. The dual-language format serves as a great educational tool, introducing children to English and Ilocano in a fun and engaging way. This book is perfect for read-aloud sessions, bedtime stories, and will become a cherished part of your family's reading collection.

 But that's just the beginning. Our mission is to weave tales that bridge cultures, celebrate diversity, and bring families closer together through the magic of storytelling. As we continue to publish, you can look forward to a growing collection of enchanting narratives that resonate with readers of all ages. Each book is crafted with care, ensuring that it entertains, educates, and inspires.

With more captivating stories on the horizon, something new and magical is always waiting for you at Little Hollow Books.